
October 26, 2008

Kevin's cousin James and his fiancee Thanh were in town for a wedding, so they stayed with us for three nights! They spent time touring around on Thursday and Friday while we were at work, and then we got to hang out in the evenings. Such fun.

Here's Thanh taking a picture of "these twelve year olds", as she termed it. :-) Kevin and James did a long tour of XBox games on Friday night.

We set up a jigsaw puzzle to do in the meantime – much more fun, in my book. :-)

And here's the group right before James and Thanh left for an overnight up in Vancouver.

(You can see the gorgeous farmers market flowers they brought from Pike Place Market on the right!)

I had the camera out for three days but somehow forgot to use it, so I'll have to get all of Thanh's photos to round out the record of their trip.


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