They'll let us leave the hospital
May 10, 2009
For those who are interested in such things, it’s a Britax Diplomat. We decided to skip the infant seat in favour of a convertible, and then I found a great sale price with free shipping.
We had a good time trying it out in the car (with my 26-week shape quite evident). Rear-facing for the first year:
And then forward-facing up to forty pounds:
It’s now packed back into the box in the garage. We’re saving all of the LATCH and installation fun for July, which still feels very far away. People keep telling me that time is going to start to fly, but I’ve been feeling acutely aware of the fact that it isn’t and I’m struggling not to feel impatient.
Cool carseat! Just a thought - you might not want to skip that babyseat. Babies fall asleep so much in the car that you'll kick yourself every time you have to unbuckle the baby to get out of the car. It really makes it easier to run around with the baby that you might hate the day that your baby gets too big for the baby car seat. It really is convenient for so many things. If you're wondering about the cost - ours was so sturdy, it lasted 7 years - through all of my 4 kids. It's one of the things that I think is definitely a necessity. Just my opinion though. :)
By tiennie, at 8:43 AM, May 11, 2009
+1 on NOT skipping that infant carseat. I PROMISE you, you will regret not getting one. We met a couple in our childbirth class who did the same thing and then about 3months in bought an infant seat.
Imagine strapping Baby into car seat, going to the grocery store, Baby falls asleep. Trying to get Baby out of carseat, Baby now crying because baby doesn't like being disturbed. You- just need to get oj and bread. Baby now screaming. Glance over at other mother, who just pulls the entire carseat out of the car. Her baby sleeping blissfully. You wishing you had NOT pulled baby out of the car seat, but can not leave Baby in the car lest DSHS is called and you are hauled off to jail. As you ride away in the squad car think,"I wish I had gotten an infant car seat."
If you want to save money, skip the high chair, and get one that attaches to a regular chair (but still has a tray) OR get a cheap (but sturdy) glider rocker. Baby will only puke all over it anyway. It won't be anything you want to keep long term.
Trust other mama's on this one...
By Almond Tea, at 12:08 PM, May 11, 2009
One more thing- and I'll leave it alone. If you do decide to get an infant car seat, get one with two bases. Have on that is in Kevin's car and one in yours. That way Baby's seat can snap into either base easily.
Ok, I'll let it go now.
By Almond Tea, at 12:12 PM, May 11, 2009
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