Quilt non-progress
February 25, 2008
While I was waiting for guidance/inspiration on the quilting front, I finally decided to empty out and organize my knitting basket. (It was one of the only things that survived the pre-moving purge – I just stuck the whole thing into the car and didn’t even examine the contents.) I knew there wasn’t THAT much in it, but I couldn’t remember all of the pieces and it was certainly starting to *look* full (overflowing, in fact). After I dumped it all out on the floor:

There were lots of odd balls of yarn which have been untangled and relocated to my stash, some swatches and failed felting experiments which have been relocated to the trash, and these projects (all within a few minutes to hours of being complete):
- Conwy Socks, two inches in, that need to be ripped and restarted, since they’re too tight.
- A present for a friend that needs to be seemed and finished.
- Isabella. Abandoned about a year ago, due to the wedding. What’s left? 20 rows on the right shoulder, block, sew sides and picot trim, knit picot trim at arms.
- Twist Front Top by Adrienne Vittadini. Abandoned August ’06 in favour of a baby sweater using the same lace pattern. What’s left? About 30 rows of front for R, L shoulders, blocking, seaming.
- Entrelac hand warmers of my own design. Abandoned Fall ’06. What’s left? Seams and perhaps a bit of decorative trim.
- Freehand hooded vest. Abandoned last Spring. What’s left? 3 rows of the back, two front panels, hood. May rip out and restart?
- Cable Cardigan (#14 from the Fall ’05 Vogue Knitting). Abandoned Fall ’05, due to many problems: my modifications didn’t work, the yarn was knit at too tight a gauge and the fabric is stiff, the neck doesn’t work, etc. It’s great yarn, but I think it would be terribly itchy to wear. And there’s mohair in it, so it doesn’t frog gracefully. I think I may just toss it and chalk it up in the “experience” category, especially since two+ years later I still can’t think of any remedies for it.
Labels: daybed quilt
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