A New Tang!
March 19, 2006

He found the Nori and started working on it within seconds, which seemed like a good sign. Everything that I've read about tangs says that they're constant grazers. The fact that he wasn't too stressed to eat seemed really promising, especially after being caught in the fishstore, brought home in a bag, subjected to a net, and watched by two people in a new environment. A few hours later he'd made quite a dent and had a fat green belly. We have a lot of circulation in the tank, and he's been playing in the current, letting it blow him around and then swimming back again -- it's almost like he's surfing it. He's been hanging out a bunch in the 1/4" of clearance between the heater and the side of the tank (tangs are so narrow!), and in the curve of a plastic tie on one of our heaters. I was planning to cut it, but he likes it so much that we decided to leave it. He doesn't have any signs of black spot, so with luck it will be a quick one month quarantine and then he can go meet the clowns and gramma!

With company I'm behind and only just read about your new tang! The pictures are great - he's very cute!! May he have an uneventful quarantine and then a long happy life in the tank.
Anonymous, at 3:23 PM, March 22, 2006
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