Some fun for the office
March 28, 2006
A week and a half later, here are the growing (left to right) mint, lavender, basil, chives, lemon balm and dill.

With luck, the basil will be a closer metaphor match than the lavender, which thus far hasn't deigned to grace us with its presence.
The back seeds of basil were the first to show after only two days, and are going strong. There are six shoots, so I may have to weed them out. At the end of last week, when the second (front) batch of basil hadn't shown yet, I smooshed the sides of the peat pack to loosen the soil. This sprout appeared sometime over the weekend. The chives are off and running, but already dry at the ends -- does anyone know how to prevent that? And I've never grown lemon balm before, but I'm hoping it lives up to its name.

The growing packs are going to be planted tomorrow.
And, in a bit of serendipity, the day I chose to bring my camera to work, the mountains were out in force. Here are the snowy Olympics from the top of the street:

Yay, Olympics, that makes me happy. Thank you.
Kim, at 3:10 PM, March 29, 2006
That top photo is so zen-like and lovely!
Horse Power, at 2:26 PM, April 09, 2006
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